Hach Hypochlorite - Bleach Test Kit Model CN-HR | 5 - 15%

SKU: 2687200

Title: 2687200
Sale price$508.55 CAD
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Hach Hypochlorite - Bleach Test Kit | Model CN-HR uses the simple, economical drop count titration method to determine bleach solution strength between 5 and 15%. This test kit is invaluable when troubleshooting odd or erratic chlorine residual test results in potable and pool applications.

  • Kit contains three reagents, flask, clippers, dropper, instruction sheet and carrying case

This test kit may be considered hazardous under certain shipping conditions. If necessary we will contact you for approval of additional shipping costs.
Method Name Drop Count Titration/Thiosulfate
Number of tests 100
Parameter Hypochlorite, high range - (Bleach) As Cl2
Range 5-15% Cl2
Smallest Increment 0.5%

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