Pulsatron Pulsafeeder Five Function Valve Assembly


Select Valve: 3/8" 5 Function Valve | 150 PSI Relief
Sale price$234.00 CAD
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Pulsatron Pulsafeeder Five Function Valve Assemblies are compatible with most standard PULSAtron pumps. This valve protects against operator injury and equipment damage caused  by kinked tubing or a plugged injector fitting. A return port located on the side body provides flow of chemical back to the solution tank when in the pressure relief, air bleed or drain discharge mode.

These valves can be ordered with the pump (final three digits in the metering pump model number are "500". Or they can be ordered and retrofitted to most Pulsatron pump models.

  • Pressure Relief: Designed to relieve excessive pressure and prevent pump, tubing and connection  damage (approx 50% above valve rating) caused by kinked tubing or plugged injector valve.
  • Air Bleed - Used during priming to manually remove air from the pump head.
  • Back Pressure - Maintains a consistent pump output and allows metering into atmospheric discharge.
  • Anti-Siphon - Prevents siphoning through the pump when point of injection is lower than the pump or into the suction line of another pump.
  • Discharge Drain - Depressurize pump discharge line without loosening tubing or fittings. Protects the operator from chemical exposure.

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